Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Life, Feet, and Pedals

Well, this is my first post…Just in case you didn’t notice. I decided to make a blog as a result of, I am embarrassed to say, peer-pressure. Everyone I know started blogs as soon as they went to college so I thought, “Hey, what the heck!” So here it is folks.

The name, as you can tell, is a play off of my last name. It is also part of a joke here at NMSU. I, am very opposed to the non-wearing of shoes. Ironically, the guys at VDM (the on-campus apartments) and various people at Monagle are fully in favor of the non-wearing of shoes. I did not realize this until one night when a friend, Plantman, walked into The Brother’s apartment…shoeless. ::background info:: There is a pretty long sidewalk you need to traverse to get from Plantman’s to The Brother’s apartment. This sidewalk is scattered with some yucky things at times and all-in-all I told myself never to walk on it without shoes. ::back to the story:: Plantman walks in and all I could do was stare in shock and say, “You’re…you’re…barefooted!!” Various people in the room then proceeded to tell me that I am naturally *baer*-footed. ;) Therefore, I am living my life baer-footed. :)

Today I wandered over to The Brother’s apartment, as I usually do, in a quest to finish my physics and air-up my bike tire. We found a bike pump at Beautiful’s and as I was filling the tire I saw a goathead sticking out of the tread; so, being the blonde I am, I yanked it out and immediately heard a steady hissing noise…to my dismay my tire was losing air and there was nothing I could do about it. The Brother, being the sweet caring gentleman he is, laughed. At me (I love him sooo much). Thus begins the quest for slime to repair the hole.

That is all I have today, hopefully I didn’t bore anyone to death – although I cannot promise that will never happen!

“The LORD is my strength and my defense; he has become my salvation. He is my God, and I will praise him, my father’s God, and I will exalt him.” ~Exodus 15:2~